Energy test Background

Energy test

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Start with your postcode to compare 686+ Canstar Blue expert rated plans


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  • Value Rank out of 10 - lowest first
  • Value Rank out of 10 - highest first
  • Supply charge - lowest first
  • Supply charge - highest first
  • Price/year (estimated) - lowest first
  • Price/year (estimated) - highest first
Distributed By Distributed By Jemena Gas
Basic Plan Information
star star star empty empty
Brand Satisfaction Glossary
58.31 Glossary
cents / day
2.25 - 3.87 Glossary
cents / MJ
$840 Glossary
Distributed By Distributed By Jemena Gas
Basic Plan Information
star star star empty empty
Brand Satisfaction Glossary
88.44 Glossary
cents / day
3.37 - 5.69 Glossary
cents / MJ
$922 Glossary
Distributed By Distributed By Jemena Gas
Basic Plan Information
star star star empty empty
Brand Satisfaction Glossary
88.44 Glossary
cents / day
3.37 - 5.69 Glossary
cents / MJ
$1,114 Glossary
Distributed By Distributed By Jemena Gas
Basic Plan Information
star star star empty empty
Brand Satisfaction Glossary
88.44 Glossary
cents / day
3.37 - 5.69 Glossary
cents / MJ
$1,198 Glossary
Distributed By Distributed By Jemena Gas
Basic Plan Information
star star star empty empty
Brand Satisfaction Glossary
88.44 Glossary
cents / day
3.37 - 5.69 Glossary
cents / MJ
$1,198 Glossary

Showing 5 of 40 results

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blue-star-rating Brand Satisfaction

Unsure of a term in the above table? View glossary

The initial results in the table above are sorted by Value Rank out of 10 (High-Low) , then Price/year (estimated) including conditional discount (Low-High) , then Brand Satisfaction (High-Low) . Additional filters may have been applied, which impact the results displayed in the table - filters can be applied or removed at any time.
