Compare 4G home internet plans Background

Compare 4G home internet plans

4G home internet plans offer an alternative to the NBN and have coverage more widely available than 5G internet plans. The table below shows 4G home wireless broadband plans on our database. You can change the default settings to show other internet plans.

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SpinTel | 4G Unlimited 20Mbps Plan
Wireless Broadband | No lock-in contract
+$230 modem (optional) | min. $269.95 spend over 1 month | This plan is only available in selected areas
SpinTel logo
Not yet rated
Unlimited Glossary
Data included
25/2 Glossary
Max speed
$39.95 Glossary
$39.95/mth for 3 months, then $49.95/mth
TPG | Home Wireless Broadband
Wireless Broadband | No lock-in contract
min. $44.99 spend over 1 month | This plan is only available in selected areas #T&Cs apply
Save $10/mth over 6 months. 
Tooltip icon
star star star star empty
Brand Satisfaction Glossary
Unlimited Glossary
Data included
20/2 Glossary
Max speed
$44.99 Glossary
$44.99/mth for 6 months, then $54.99/mth
Kogan | Kogan 4G Home Internet
Wireless Broadband | No lock-in contract
+$130 modem (included) | min. $179.90 spend over 1 month | This plan is only available in selected areas
Not yet rated
Unlimited Glossary
Data included
20/2 Glossary
Max speed
$49.90 Glossary
$49.90/mth for 3 months, then $54.90/mth
iiNet | Home Wireless Broadband
Wireless Broadband | No lock-in contract
min. $49.99 spend over 1 month | This plan is only available in selected areas #T&Cs apply
Save $10/mth for the first 6 months. 
Tooltip icon
star star star star star
Brand Satisfaction Glossary
Unlimited Glossary
Data included
16/2 Glossary
Max speed
$49.99 Glossary
$49.99/mth for 6 months, then $59.99/mth
Yomojo | 4G Home 20
Wireless Broadband | No lock-in contract
min. $234.90 spend over 1 month | This plan is only available in selected areas
Yomojo logo
Not yet rated
Unlimited Glossary
Data included
20/1 Glossary
Max speed
$55.90 Glossary
Optus | Optus Plus Everyday Basic 4G
Wireless Broadband | No lock-in contract
+$216 modem (optional) | min. $275 spend over 1 month | This plan is only available in selected areas
Optus logo
star star star empty empty
Brand Satisfaction Glossary
Unlimited Glossary
Data included
25/8 Glossary
Max speed
$59 Glossary
Southern Phone | Home Wireless Unlimited 24 months
Wireless Broadband | 24 month contract
min. $1,440 spend over 24 months | This plan is only available in selected areas
Southern Phone logo
Not yet rated
Unlimited Glossary
Data included
20/1 Glossary
Max speed
$60 Glossary
Southern Phone | Home Wireless Unlimited Month to Month
Wireless Broadband | No lock-in contract
+$210 modem (included) | min. $270 spend over 1 month | This plan is only available in selected areas
Southern Phone logo
Not yet rated
Unlimited Glossary
Data included
20/1 Glossary
Max speed
$60 Glossary

Showing 8 of 8 results

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The initial results in the table above are sorted by Cost per month (Low-High) , then Value Rank out of 10 (High-Low) , then Provider Name (Alphabetical) . Additional filters may have been applied, which impact the results displayed in the table - filters can be applied or removed at any time.

What is 4G home internet and how does it work?

4G home internet operates in the same way as mobile data on your smartphone, in that it uses a mobile or cellular network to provide internet access instead of a fixed internet connection.

Most of these 4G home internet plans come with unlimited data, however the speeds tend to be capped, with maximum megabits per second differing based on the telco you’re with. As to be expected, these speeds are typically slower than the newer 5G.

The set-up process is also easy with 4G home broadband; generally, you can plug in the provided modem and you’re ready to go.

4G internet plans are available from many of the big NBN or mobile plan providers, including Telstra, Optus and Vodafone. You can also find 4G home internet plans from smaller telcos who offer service on Telstra, Optus and Vodafone’s 4G networks.

4G home internet pros and cons

If you’re not sure if 4G home internet is the best option for you, considering the pros and cons can help you get a clearer picture of what you need from an internet plan — and whether 4G home broadband is the right option for you.


  • A decent alternative to slower NBN speed tiers
  • Rather cheap monthly prices
  • Widely available across the country, as long as you have 4G network access
  • Easy to set up


  • Slower than what’s on offer from the NBN and 5G home internet
  • Speeds and network strength may depend on your location
  • Less providers offer 4G internet compared to NBN plans
  • Could be your only option if you don’t have 5G available and don’t want NBN


4G internet plans

While 4G home internet plans aren’t as widely available as NBN plans, there are still several providers to choose from, which use one of the three mobile networks to deliver services. Providers such as Kogan, TPG, SpinTel and Yomojo offer plans which may be cheaper than what is on offer from Telstra, Optus and Vodafone. Keep in mind that access to plans from providers will depend on whether you have 4G network coverage at your home.

When choosing the best 4G home internet plan for your household, it helps to compare a range of plans and providers to find a plan that will suit your needs, budget and network coverage access. You can compare plans using the table at the top of this page.

Will 4G home internet speeds work for me?

While most 4G home internet plans come with unlimited data, most also come with capped speeds around 20Mbps — 25Mbps. This might be fast enough for basic internet usage and smaller households, however if you have a bigger household or regularly rely on the internet for online gaming and downloading large files, then this might not be the best option.

Instead, if it’s available to you, you might opt for 5G home wireless with uncapped speeds. Of course, the speeds you’re truly able to reach will depend on a number of factors. The biggest factors include the coverage at your location, congestion on the network and setup at your home. However, some providers will still cap speeds on 5G home internet plans to 50Mbps or 100Mbps and up.

The difference between 4G home internet and NBN

There are a fair few similarities between 4G home internet and the NBN, with the main one being price. Both NBN and 4G home internet hover around the $50 to $60 per month range in terms of starting prices. However speed is where NBN pulls away from the pack.

NBN plans are able to reach speeds of 1000Mbps, while 4G home internet speeds tend to cap out at 25Mbps. The speeds delivered by the NBN are generally more consistent also, while 4G home internet can be sporadic at times. Factors that may affect 4G speeds include your location, how congested the network is, the devices you’re using and even