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MyRepublic exits the Australian market, moving its NBN customers to Superloop

In an announcement released at the end of 2022, Singapore-based NBN provider MyRepublic declared its impending exit from the Australian internet market. The telco has been operating in Australia since 2016 and built a reputation in the country for its focus on fast speeds and gaming-optimised plans.

MyRepublic issued a press release on December 24, 2022 about its plans to exit the Australian market in the coming months and its customer transfer agreement with fellow NBN provider Superloop.

Malcolm Rodrigues, the Group CEO and Co-founder of MyRepublic said, “I love our Australian business. The amazing work that the team has done for MyRepublic these past few years has been a personal point of pride for me. After much deliberation however, we have made the decision to pivot towards a profitable business as we move into the next phase of our journey. We are thankful for all the support our customers in Australia have shown us. With Superloop’s network infrastructure and scale of operations, we are confident that customers transitioning will be in good hands.”

It’s important to note that this subscriber transfer agreement is related to the acquisition of MyRepublic’s NBN customers only — this is not a company merger or acquisition like we’ve seen in other instances over recent years including Superloop’s acquisition of Exetel, the TPG-Vodafone merger and the Optus acquisition of Amaysim.

What does this mean for MyRepublic customers?

This may have come as a bit of a shock for existing MyRepublic customers right before Christmas — and it was a strange time to make the announcement — but fortunately existing customers will still have access to their services and will be eventually transferred to a Superloop NBN plan in the coming months.

It is expected that depending on the completion of the network transfer, the bulk of the subscriber migration from MyRepublic to Superloop’s services will take place in February, 2023. The MyRepublic website is still operational (and currently does not display a note or message about its impending exit from the Australian market), so customers should still have access to support during the transition over the coming months.

However, current MyRepublic customers don’t have to transfer their services to Superloop if they don’t wish to. If your home internet is with MyRepublic, you might take this opportunity to switch to a different NBN provider completely. It’s also worth looking at what plans Superloop has to offer (and the equivalent plan you’ll likely be switched to) and comparing against other providers to decide if it’s worth making the switch to another telco completely.

The below table shows a range of NBN plans from a variety of providers across four of the most commonly available speed tiers — simply switch between the tabs to view plans on different speed tiers. You can use our NBN plan comparison tool to compare more plans and providers.

Unlimited NBN 100 Plans

The following table shows a selection of published unlimited NBN 100 plans on Canstar Blue’s database, listed in order of standard monthly cost, from the lowest to highest, and then by alphabetical order of provider. Use our comparison tool above to see plans from a range of other providers. This is a selection of products with links to referral partners.

Unlimited NBN 50 Plans

The following table shows a selection of published unlimited NBN 50 plans on Canstar Blue’s database, listed in order of standard monthly cost, from lowest to highest, and then by alphabetical order of provider. Use our comparison tool above to see plans from a range of other providers. This is a selection of products with links to referral partners.

Unlimited NBN 25 Plans

The following table shows a selection of published unlimited NBN 25 plans on Canstar Blue’s database, listed in order of standard monthly cost, from the lowest to highest, and then by alphabetical order of provider. Use our comparison tool above to see plans from a range of other providers. This is a selection of products with links to referral partners.

Unlimited NBN 12 Plans

The following table shows a selection of published unlimited NBN 12 plans on Canstar Blue’s database, listed in order of standard monthly cost, from the lowest to highest, and then by alphabetical order of provider. Use our comparison tool above to see plans from a range of other providers. This is a selection of products with links to referral partners.

Emma Bradstock
Telco Specialist
Emma Bradstock has been an authority on consumer phone, internet, technology and streaming markets in Australia for over five years. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications and Media from Macquarie University and has over a decade of professional writing experience in print and digital media.

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