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How can I find my lost iPhone?

From important calendar events and the contact details of business clients, to the digital photo library storing our most special moments, smartphones hold so much of what we need to function in everyday life. It’s no wonder mastering the skill of tracking a lost or stolen phone is a high priority. Read on to see a number of ways you can find your missing iPhone.

Find My iPhone

The whereabouts of your trusty handheld gadget doesn’t have to stay up in the air. Apple’s Find My iPhone feature uses iCloud to locate your iPhone on a map as well as keep your information safe and prevent others from stealing your device.

Find My iPhone isn’t just limited to, well, iPhones. It can also be set up on iPads, Macs, Apple Watches, AirPods and even the iPod Touch. Here’s how to turn on Find My iPhone on an Apple device:

  1. Open your home screen and go to Settings.
  2. Head to the top of the screen and tap on where it says your name.
  3. Click the tab entitled “Find My”, and then click “Find My iPhone”
  4. Switch on “Find My iPhone”, as well as “Find My network” and “Send Last Location” if you please.

Once you’ve found your iPhone, here’s how to turn Find My iPhone off.

How to find your lost or stolen iPhone using location services

Sometimes accidents happen, such as mistaking another person’s iPhone for your very own. Make the returns process quicker by sharing your exact location with the other person. If you want to meet at a popular fast food chain or train station, for example, you can message your exact location to avoid any miscommunication and confusion.

Here are a couple of ways to take advantage of location services:

Apple Maps

Apple Maps is the default map app for many iOS devices. Remember, texting doesn’t always have be done on a smartphone. There are a variety of communication methods allowing Apple users to share information by syncing devices or sending messages via different means.

  1. Open the Apple Maps app and see the device put a track on your location.
  2. Select the flashing location pin icon to show My Location.
  3. Go to Share My Location and choose how you want to send your address. Some of this include Messages, AirDrop, Mail and Facebook.

Google Maps

If Google Maps is your preferred app, you can help others track your location by tapping on the flashing blue pin. Select ‘Share your location’ to bring up the menu which allows you to choose who to send your details to and how.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook may not be as popular as it once was, but its Messenger app is still hugely popular with the digital communicators. To turn on location services, enter a conversation with someone and select the plus (+) symbol next to the text box – you may need to select the arrow (>) for this feature to become available. Next, tap the directional icon next to the GIF option, and select ‘Start Sharing Live Location ‘. Your location will be available to the person you are sharing with for one hour. A handy countdown is shown for this duration. If location services are disabled, this will need to be amended in Settings.

And there you have it! Try not to lose that iPhone!

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