Enova Energy wins Canstar Blue Green Excellence Award
Enova Energy entered voluntary administration on June 22, 2022. If you’re an Enova Energy customer, you can find more information on the Enova Energy website. If you’re concerned about what would happen if the same should occur at your energy retailer, you can find more information on protections for energy consumers here. Please treat the below as historical information only.
Rated as Australia’s greenest power company in Greenpeace’s 2022 Green Electricity Guide is Byron Bay’s Enova Energy – a community-owned retailer that’s paving the way for a sustainable future. Enova Energy’s overall business model has received Canstar Blue’s Green Excellence Award for its energy sourcing strategy and general market offerings.
What is Enova’s energy sourcing strategy and general market offerings?
Enova Energy sources all its electricity from its own customer rooftops and from its alliance with Diamond Energy. This means the growing number of Enova customers aid the support and drive for more investment in renewable energy and contribute to Australia’s renewable future.
From 1 July 2021, Enova Energy made the transition to a wholesale energy supply alliance with Diamond Energy, meaning Enova purchases the bulk of its power from its customers’ rooftop solar. The remainder of electricity is bought through its contracts with Diamond Energy – a retailer that’s independently audited yearly and claims to deliver more electricity sourced from Australian renewable energy generators to the grid than its customers consume.
“Customers and communities are at the heart of everything we do. Enova gives people the opportunity to take practical and immediate climate action and we’re thrilled our efforts have been so highly recognised,” said Felicity Stening, Managing Director – Enova Community Energy.
In terms of Enova Energy’s general market offerings, the provider currently advertises the Community Plus plan, available to customers in New South Wales and South East Queensland. This product offers reasonable rates as well as a small pay on time discount.
Why we like Enova’s energy sourcing strategy and general market offerings?
Enova Energy is championing the transition to a 100 per cent renewable future through its energy sourcing strategy and general market offerings to consumers. At the same time the provider is also committed to helping communities create their own energy supplies based on renewables.
While many power companies offer ‘carbon friendly’ products, Enova instead focuses on its broader wholesale energy procurement strategy from renewable sources that underpins its simple and transparent offerings to customers. Enova’s approach to the retail market has been recognised and validated in the most recent independent 2022 Green Electricity Guide by Greenpeace, which ranked Enova Energy number one on the list.
“Canstar Blue’s Green Excellence Awards recognised Enova Energy as setting a new green benchmark that’s strongly committed to sustainable energy generation,” said Canstar Blue’s Energy Editor, Jared Mullane.
“Rather than offering carbon offset products, Enova focuses on sourcing energy from renewables and therefore aims to tackle environmental issues earlier in the chain. The green-collar retailer does so by sourcing energy from its own customers’ rooftop solar or from Diamond Energy, a provider that sources more of its electricity through renewables than its customers consume.
“Enova Energy also has a strong community presence with several initiatives in field, and claims it is so committed to being a socially responsible energy provider that it will never invest in coal, oil or gas.”
“Canstar Blue’s judging panel recognised Enova’s efforts to provide energy sourced through renewables, rather than offset energy sourced elsewhere and their overall business commitment to being a green and socially responsible energy provider.”
Jared Mullane- Canstar Blue Energy Editor
Enova Energy has a renewable energy target of 100 per cent and its current procurement strategy represents significant steps towards that goal. The provider was also awarded a five-star green electricity rating by Greenpeace in its latest report. Enova Energy claims that since Greenpeace released its 2022 Green Electricity Guide, customer numbers have grown by almost 10 per cent, which indicates rising consumer interest in switching to a provider that’s committed to delivering cleaner energy.
What are Canstar Blue’s Green Excellence Awards?
Canstar Blue’s Green Excellence Awards recognise products, services and initiatives that empower consumers to make sustainable choices across categories including energy, telecommunications and appliances. Our judges assess submissions based on criteria such as environmental impact and targets, a company’s commitment to sustainability, and the accessibility and affordability of the product, service or initiative.
Read the full Canstar Blue Green Excellence Awards Methodology
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